How to attract, retain and keep employees motivated and engaged.

3 minute read

I just been reading a fascinating study into what your work-based talent retention scheme might need to focus on for 2022. The study is from the Australia based Gallagher’s Benefits & HR Consulting Division and sheds valuable light on where organizations might best refocus their efforts.  ‘What do we need to do to attract, retain and keep employees motivated and engaged?’”

Some of the key takeaways were to:

  • Nurture and grow your younger talent

  • Ask your workforce how they’re doing (then act on the feedback)

  • Give thought to aspects of the work environment that shape employees' experience

  • Offer flexible working where you can

  • Tailor initiatives to the needs of your employees rather than following popular trends or adopting one-size-fits-all strategies.

The survey asked people to rate aspects of their work and life in terms of how important they perceived them to be, and how that compared to their level of satisfaction.

The results confirm what is most important in influencing employees’ wellbeing and engagement at work are those aspects of the work environment that relate to psychological safety, support from their leader, a sense of purpose and connection, and, finally, the emphasis or priority the organization places on employee wellbeing.

Some of the more superficial perks such as shopping discounts, or providing lunch, which many organizations offer – were valued less highly than more practical and ‘whole of employee’ options like progressing professional training and career development, salary sacrificing, and additional leave options. This is compounded when examining what employees are currently offered, with just 35% indicating they are currently provided with professional training and development opportunities.

The big eye opener for me was the strong link between both employee engagement and wellbeing and how often an organization asked for feedback about employee wellbeing. Those who said their organizations never asked about their wellbeing rated notably lower across key metrics such as employee wellbeing, engagement and intentions to stay. Employees who were asked the most frequently – monthly and quarterly – responded more favourably across these key metrics.

Food for thought?


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